Welcome to the Virtual World of Research in Life Science

Site updated latest by 18th April 2010,12.08AM

Friday, March 26, 2010

Two Faces of Science complex

 Beautiful Science complex

Tamarind Tree circle
My Goodness !!!!! What is this ???? Where is this place ??????


All these are because of  our "Take it Easy Policy" nature..... Lets us question ourself

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pledge to manage Pollution and Plastic

Hello Friends,
Apart from our research,let us dedicate ourself for the sake of preserving our natural environment around school of life sciences.

let us take pledge by ourselves regarding Pollution and plastic

University is my home land,
I shall always strive to be worthy of it,
I shall involve in taking care of campus enviroment and prevent polluting it.
I always try to control the use of things made of plastic and polythene and will dump the used ones in dust bins.

I promise that i will involve in creating awareness to individuals and in and around the campus....regarding the pollution and its effects.

Jai Hind